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Staying safe during divorce after domestic violence

On Behalf of | Feb 9, 2024 | DIVORCE - Divorce |

When someone in Alaska decides to end a marriage where domestic violence is involved, that individual must do everything possible to protect themselves and their children. Divorcing a violent abuser can be scary, but there are steps one can take to keep themselves and their children safe. Many victims of domestic abuse will understandably want to keep their new address and other information private from their former spouse. Fortunately, there are ways to do this legally while still dealing with divorce matters like child support and custody. 

Staying safe 

Alaska understands the need for victims of domestic violence to have privacy during and after a divorce. The state allows a victim to file a form that will prevent the release of information that could put the victim or their children in danger. This doesn’t mean that a parent still can’t seek child support to help care for the children once the divorce is finalized.  

Victims of domestic violence may wish to move away from the area in which their former spouse lives. This new address can be made confidential so the ex-spouse will not have access to private information. Those who wish to keep their new address private can follow the required steps to complete the Affidavit and Request for Nondisclosure of Identifying Information 

Where to turn for assistance 

Divorcing after a violent marriage is not easy, especially when children are involved. However, there are ways to protect oneself and one’s children during this difficult time. By working with an experienced family law attorney, one can understand how best to stay safe while navigating the divorce process